The types of Artificial intelligence

types of Artificial intelligence

First what are the (AI ) :

There are many different types of Artificial Intelligence but what are Artificial intelligence (ai)
It is a broad branch of computing that involves the construction of intelligent machines capable of performing tasks that normally require human intelligence. AI is an interdisciplinary science with multiple approaches, but advances in machine learning and deep learning are creating a paradigm shift in almost all areas of the technology industry. 

Artificial intelligence (ai) allows machines to learn from experience, adapt to new entrances and perform tasks similar to human ones. Most of the AI examples you hear today, from chess-playing computers   to autonomous cars, depend heavily on deep learning and natural language processing. computers can perform specific tasks by processing large amounts of data and identifying patterns in the data. 

Since AI research is intended to allow the machine to simulate human functions, the extent to which an AI system can replicate human capabilities is used as a criterion for determining AI types. Therefore, depending on how the machine compares with humans in terms of versatility and performance, AI can be classified into one, and in a system of multiple types of ai that can perform more humane functions equivalent to the competition will be considered a more evolved type of ai, while function and performance is limited would be considered a simpler and less evolved type. now in this article we will find the type of AI

what the Physicist Stephen Hawking opinion about artificial intelligence :

" AI could be the worst event in the history of our civilization. It brings dangers, like powerful autonomous weapons, or new ways for the few to oppress the many It could bring great disruption to our economy unless society finds a way to control its development"  he said.

types of Artificial intelligence

Second what are the type of Artificial Intelligence (AI):

1-Reactive Machines

The most basic type of AI system is purely passive and cannot form memory or use past experience to inform current decisions. Dark blue, IBM pawn playing supercomputer, which beat the international master Garry kasparov in the late 1990s, is the best example of this type of machine.

Dark blue can identify the pieces on the board and know what each move looks like. He can predict what action might be next for him and his opponents. It is possible to choose the optimal action of the possibilities.

 But it has no concept of the past, nor does it remember anything that happened before. In addition to a rarely used against specific rules, against repeating the same movement three times, dark blue ignores everything before now. and choose from possible next steps  like Chess game on the computer.

types of Artificial intelligence

2- Limited Memory

Limited memory consists of machine learning models that derive knowledge from previously learned information, stored data, or events. Unlike reactive machines, limited memory learns from the past by observing the behavior or data provided to them to build experiential knowledge.

Although limited memory is based on preprogrammed observations and data already contained by the machine, information on these samples is being obtained. One of the existing forms of limited memory is self-driven cars.

Self-driving cars or self-driving cars, use the principle of limited memory, as they are based on a combination of observation and pre-programming knowledge. Observe and understand how to drive and operate properly among human-dependent cars, self-driving cars read their environment, detect changes in patterns or external factors, and adjust as needed.

Self-driving cars not only observe their surroundings, but also observe the movement of other vehicles and people on their horizons. Previously, the AI of the unmanned car without limited memory took up to 100 seconds to react and judge external factors. Memory, a sharp decrease in reaction time based on observations of the machine, which represents the value of memory limited to

types of Artificial intelligence

3-  Theory of Mind

While the first two types of AI have been and have been found to be rich, the following two types of AI exist, either as a concept or as continuous work. Psychological AI is the next level of the AI system that researchers are currently engaged in innovation. Understand the entities with which they interact identifying their needs, emotions, beliefs and thought processes. Although AI is already an emerging industry and an area of interest to leading AI researchers, the theory of achieving psychological levels of AI also requires the development of other AI departments. This is because in order to truly understand human needs, the AI machine must treat human beings as individuals. Thought can be shaped by a variety of factors, basically “understand” humans.

types of Artificial intelligence

4- Self-Aware AI

Let's pray that we do not reach the state of AI, the machine has its own consciousness, self-knowledge. This type of AI is a bit remote in the current situation. However, in the future, the stage of achieving super intelligence may be possible.

 In general the geniuses like Elon Musk and Stephen Hawkins have always warned us about the evolution of AI even if we using them to solve many problems

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