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who invented artificial intelligence

who invented artificial intelligence

The first to design something like an artificial intelligence program
A group of scientists, and they are Allen Newell, Cliff Shaw, and Herbert Simon's But until we answer the question of who invented artificial intelligence

We must understand that it was done many steps have been taken until we get to the artificial intelligence in the current form We will review in detail how industrial intelligence developed to reach what we are now

who invented artificial intelligence

The maturity of artificial intelligence (1943-1952). In 1943. Warren McCulloch and Walter Petes completed their first work 
in 1943, now called AI, and they proposed an artificial neuron model. 
1949: Donald Hebb shows an update rule that changes the strength of connections between neurons. His rule is now called artificial neurons.
1950: English mathematician Alan Turing , pioneer of machine learning. In 1950. AlanTuring published "Computing Machinery and Intelligence" and made recommendations for testing. This test can test the machine's ability to show intelligent behaviors that match human intelligence. This is called the Turing test

The Birth of Artificial Intelligence (1952-1956) 

1955: Allen Newell and Herbert A.Simon created "the first artificial intelligence program", which he called a "Logic Theorist". The program proved 38 out of 52 mathematical theorems and found new and more elegant proofs for some theorems. 1956: The term "artificial intelligence" was first used by American computer scientist John McCarthy at the Dartmouth Conference in the United States. For the first time, artificial intelligence was considered an academic field. At this time, high-level computer languages ​​were invented, such as FORTRAN, LISP or COBOL. The enthusiasm for AI is high. in spite of.

Golden age of Artificial Intelligence : early enthusiasm (1956-1974).

 In 1966. Researchers emphasize the importance of developing algorithms for solving mathematical problems. Joseph Weizenbaum created the first chatbot named ELIZA in 1966. 
1972: Manufactured the first intelligent humanoid robot. In Japan, it is called WABOT-1. 

The first winter of artificial intelligence (1974-1980). 

The period from 1974 to 1980 was the first length of the artificial intelligence winter. The artificial intelligence winter refers to a period when computer scientists face a severe shortage of government funds for artificial intelligence research. During the winter AI, advertising interest in AI diminished. The artificial intelligence boom (1980-1987). in 1980. After a long winter of artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence has returned to the expert system. Expert systems have been programmed to imitate the decision-making capabilities of human experts.
 In 1980, Stanford University hosted the first national conference of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence. 

The second winter of AI (1987-1993)

1987 to 1993 is the second period of AI winter. Similarly, investors and governments stopped funding AI research due to high costs, but not because of effective results. Facts have proved that expert systems such as XCON can bring a lot of benefits. Agent (1993-2011). 1997. 
In 1997, IBM Deep Blue defeated the world chess champion Gary Kasparov, making it the first computer to defeat the world chess champion. 
2002: AI entered the house for the first time in the form of Roomba. 2006: Artificial intelligence entered the business world before 2006. Companies like Facebook, Twitter and Netflix also use AI deep learning and big data. And general artificial intelligence (since 2011). 2011: 
In 2011, IBM's Watson won the quiz competition. He had to solve difficult problems and solve difficult problems.Watson showed that he can understand natural language and quickly solve complex problems. 
2012: Google launched the Android application function "Google Now", which can be provided to users as predictions. Year 2014. 
In 2014, the chatbot Eugene Gustman won the infamous Turing Test competition. 
2018: IBM Project Debater discussed difficult topics with two debate experts and did a very good job. Google proved to the Duplex artificial intelligence program that it was a virtual assistant. He had made an appointment with the barber on duty, and the woman on the other side did not know that she was chatting with the machine. Now, it has developed to a wonderful level. Nowadays, the concepts of deep learning, big data and data science are becoming more and more important. Companies like Google, Facebook, IBM, and Amazon are now collaborating with AI to create amazing devices. The future of artificial intelligence is encouraging and will be accompanied by high intelligence.
We hope there is a clear answer to the question of who invented artificial intelligence

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