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AI in Medicine and Automotive Industry

AI in Medicine and Automotive Industry

Artificial intelligence (AI) is an expansive tool that allow individuals to rethink how effectively leverage existing data, analyze large amounts of data, and apply the resulting insights to enhance decision making. As opposed to current methods

Artificial Intelligence Examples

artificial intelligence uses artificial intelligence software to achieve these results. Today, artificial intelligence examples are seen in such diverse areas as transportation, manufacturing, financial markets, customer service, healthcare, e-commerce, and the Web. It is projected that artificial intelligence will increasingly empower individuals across many verticals through the upcoming decade, leading to a new era of solutions and increased productivity.

A clear example of the application of artificial intelligence is self-driving cars. In a world where driving has reached epidemic levels, companies like Google, Apple, Mercedes Benz, BMW, and others are developing self-driving vehicles that can drive on the road without human supervision to save lives and reduce traffic congestion. Similarly, self-driving trucks will soon reduce the human error that often goes into the daily trucking activities. Self-driving cars and trucks represent an evolution in trucking, car manufacturing, and logistics.

artificial intelligence in automotive industry

Perhaps one of the most well-known applications of artificial intelligence is Apple's Siri, which is currently available as an iPhone app. Siri, which means "Scarlett Johansson" in Portuguese, is a voice recognition program that allows users to speak with artificial intelligence and natural language processing technology to perform a variety of tasks, including controlling iTunes, opening e-mails, checking the weather, checking book prices, searching the dictionary, and searching related media. While much is still unknown about Siri, she is currently capable of recognizing basic words, performing simple tasks, and is expected to have more capabilities in the future. The creation of artificial intelligence and its application to industries like medicine, finance, travel, entertainment, and even automotive should be welcomed. In fact, it could prove to be a great benefit to humanity.

Create Artificial Intelligence
By : Create Artificial Intelligence
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